24 Weekend Projects for Pets
Forfatter: David Griffin Målform: Engelsk Forlag: Creative Publishing Antall sider: 160 Pris: 200 kr. ISBN: 9781589233089 Most pet owners keep at least two different types of animals - dogs and cats are the most common pairings - and a surprisingly large number keep even more animals. Domestic birds, pet rabbits, mice and other rodents, ferrets, snakes, turtles - some people may even raise a goat or pot-bellied pig or two. On top of this, most lovers of domestic pets are also enthusiastic supporters of wildlife. Feeding birds and squirrels all winter long or creating shelters for butterflies, toads and even bats. This book provides nearly two dozen ingenious and fun do-it-yourself projects for anyone who loves animals of all types, from lowly bugs to aristocratic pure-bred show pets. This is a perfect book for parents or grandparents introducing children to the wonders of raising pets and observing wildlife. På Bokkilden.no kan du lese mer og bestille! På Amazon.com kan du lese mer og bestille! På Amazon.co.uk kan du lese mer og bestille!