Tarantulas and Other ArachnidsForfatter: Samuel D. Marshall Målform: Engelsk Forlag: Barron's Educational Antall sider: 111 Pris: 105 kr. ISBN: 9780764114632 These heavily illustrated, fact-filled books instruct owners on how to care for their dogs, cats, birds, and other pets. Many titles in this series also advise aquarium and terrarium hobbyists on virtually every aspect of those fascinating activities. Books present advice on purchasing, feeding, health care, and much more. The texts are clearly written and easy for non-experts to follow, and are accompanied by full-colour photos and instructive line drawings on most pages. Tarantulas & Other Arachnids; Despite its frightening reputation, the tarantula can be kept safely and makes a very intersting pet. På Bokkilden.no kan du lese mer og bestille! På Amazon.com kan du lese mer og bestille! På Amazon.co.uk kan du lese mer og bestille!