Horned Frogs: Herpetocultural Library
Forfatter: Philippe De Vosjoli Målform: Engelsk Forlag: Advanced Vivarium Antall sider: 56 Pris: 99 kr. ISBN: 9781882770885 Once the subjects of myth and superstition, horned frogs were feared because of their vicelike bite. Stories of these frogs latching on to the lips of grazing livestock and on to the toes and fingers of field workers have been passed along for generations. Though these rumours are fading, the truth remains that these frogs will often go after prey larger than their mouths can hold, which can make for interesting feeding sessions. Author and herpetocultural expert Philippe de Vosjoli, along with research partner Robert Maillous, was the first to successfully breed Chacoan horned frogs in captivity. In this revised and updated edition, de Vosjoli includes all you need to know on selecting and caring for these large, carnivorous amphibians. Special selections are dedicated to other popular horned frog species, such as ornate and fantasy horned frogs, as well as the related Budgett's frog.
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