Aquatic Turtles: Complete Herp CareForfatter: David T. Kirkpatrick Målform: Engelsk Forlag: TFH Publications Antall sider: 128 Pris: 105 kr. ISBN: 9780793828852 For both beginner and advanced hobbyists comes a brand new reptile and amphibian series. Each title in the "Complete Herp Care Series" contains all-new, indepth, current information on a wide variety of topics, including breeding, housing, nutrition and health care. All authors are experienced writers and experts in their field. Every book is fully illustrated and contains multiple colourful sidebars and tip boxes. "Aquatic Turtles" provides a variety of general and specific information on numerous species of aquatic and semi-aquatic turtles, including red-eared sliders, painted turtles, map turtles, and many others. På kan du lese mer og bestille! På kan du lese mer og bestille! På kan du lese mer og bestille!